Wednesday 5 February 2014

Benefits of drinking water


We all know water is life. Without water no body can survive. This is an attempt to put forward all the benefits people can get from drinking plenty of water daily. We are sure that after reading the article you will be much more attracted to this natural resource than ever before. So let’s look at some of its benefits.

Maintain balance of body weight: our body is almost 70% water. This water is essential for many body functions like digestion, absorption, circulation and also body temperature. There are so many ways this water gets out of your body. It can be in the form of urine, sweat, stool and many more. When your water intake is lesser than the exit, you will enter in a state of dehydration. Dehydration can drastically reduce the overall body weight. To prevent this you need enough water to keep you hydrated.

Flashes out toxins: kidneys get rid of waste products such as urination with the help of water. Drinking a good amount of water daily will reduce the risk of stones in the kidneys.

Good for skin: does your skin look dry and wrinkled? It may be due to dehydration. The condition can be improved by drinking plenty of water. It is the best anti-aging treatment available for free. It helps look younger by detoxifying the skin.

Boosts immunity: drinking plenty of water boosts immunity power against flu, heart attack and cancer. A person who drinks plenty of water is less likely to get sick than the person who don’t.

Drinking plenty of water helps in relieving headache. Among many other causes of headache dehydration is one.

It prevents cramps and sprains by lubricating the joints and increasing elasticity in muscles.

It helps reducing weight (fat content of your body) without any side effect. It suppresses the appetite and helps in case you have a habit of eating excessively. Unlike any other drinks it doesn’t contains any calorie so drinking plenty of water will never make you fat.

It helps fighting constipation. Proper hydration helps in things flow properly in the digestive track. In case of lack of hydration, the water is extracted from the stool in colon and resulting in constipation.

To keep your body pH level at 7 (neutral), you need to drink plenty of water everyday.

If you consider the monetary part also, drinking plenty of water saves you lot of money which you spend on other drinks.

So now after knowing all the importance drinking water provides to your body, you must be wondering, what you can do to increase its intake. It is important to make some elementary changes in your lifestyle so that you can take more and more water to your body. Followings are some of the way you can increase your water intake:

Ø  After any meal of snack have a glass of water.

Ø  Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. Most of them contain a large amount of water.

Ø  If you are traveling, always carry a bottle of water.

Ø  Stop soft drinks, coffee, tea and alcohol. These drinks ultimately weaken your kidneys. Instead drink pure water.

You will definitely feel the change once you switch to this nature’s therapy.

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Wednesday 29 January 2014

Plant A Tree


In the recent years, development of the cities has reached to its highest peak. Though we are building skyscrapers and factories and manufacturing millions of vehicles, very little attention has been given to planting trees. It is a matter of surprise that though the importance of a trees in our life is well known and accepted by everyone, very few persons have taken initiative to add more trees to the environment.

If you have any doubts, let us share some of the benefits the trees provide:

Produce Oxygen:

It is the most commonly known fact that Plants releases oxygen into the environment; an element, which is essential for the survival of every living being. It is a fact that a mature tree can produce so much oxygen in a season that 10 people uses in a year.

Clean the soil:

Trees can filter sewage and other chemical which are emitted from various factories. Trees reduce the impact of animal wastes and sometimes convert the toxic chemicals into non toxic ones. This way it acts as a soil cleaning agent.

Control Noise pollution:

Trees are very good at absorbing noises. That is way it is always recommended to plant trees near by airports and other places where there are lot of noise happening.

Slowdown Catastrophe:

Impact of a catastrophe such as storms can be minimized by a forest. If the storm passes through a bare land its impacts increases dramatically.

Clean air:

Trees also act as air cleanser. Impurities in the air such as carbon-monoxide, Sulfur-di-oxide etc got absorbed by the trees and provide much pure air.

Carbon sinks:

We all know about global warming and its impact worldwide. Trees reduce the amount of Carbon Di Oxide in the air by trapping them in the form of food and wood. So we can say they are the store house for carbon.

Provide shade:

It is known to every one that trees provide shade. It helps in controlling heat in the surrounding. Having a tree in your nearby, will definitely reduce the need of air conditioners in the summer for you.

Prevents Soil erosion:

Tree roots bind soil together. Uprooting a tree can severely increases the chances of soil erosion. Tree leaves also acts as a barrier between the free flowing rain and the soil. Thus the speed of the rain is reduced and so as the soil erosion.

Increases property value:

Talking in pure monetary term, having trees in your house particularly in the form of a garden definitely increases the monetary value of your property.

So if you realize the importance of a planting a tree, lets share how easy it is to plant:

First dig a hole of about 1feet deep. Put the plant (after removing from its container) into the hole. Put the extracted soil, little bit into the hole, and mix some compost along with the rest of the soil and put it into the hole. Pack the hole with this mixture. Remove any weed near by to the plant. Water the plant.

It is the duty of every person to plant at least a tree and give back something to our nature from where we are taking so many things.

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Wednesday 22 January 2014

Why Sunbath is Important


Sunbath is also called heliotherapy. It has been a very old practice. The mentions of this can be found in ancient Greek, Roman, and Egyptian history. The Romans used sunbath to train the gladiators because it strengthens and enlarge their muscles.

Earlier people have worked mostly outdoors, and most of the time in sunlight. Now with the advancement of civilization, we work most of the time indoor. Even while going to offices, we don’t really face the sun, and most of the time moving inside a vehicle. Several brands of sunglasses have been introduced which are meant to protect our eyes from the so called harmful sunlight. In this article we will look at the other side of the story and try to provide some beneficial impact about the sunlight and sunbath.

Sunlight is basically consists of 3 types of light waves:

Visible light (wavelength of 390nm to 790nm): This is the light which we can see through our eyes. It though appears to us as white; it is basically a mixture of 7 lights known as VIBGYOR.

Infra red light (wavelength of 790nm to 1mm): This light we can not see we our naked eyes as it does not fall under the visibility range. It generates the heats of the light.

Ultraviolet light (wavelength of 300nm to 390nm): Every body is aware of this light and its effect in causing cancer especially due to huge promotion of different cosmetic companies, but this light also helps in producing vitamin D in our skin. A deficiency of vitamin D can cause Rickets in humans.

Benefits of Sunbath:
Regular sunbath increase white blood cells (WBC) in the body and thus increases our immunity system.
It helps regulating blood sugar level and helps lowering blood pressure.
Regular sunbath helps nourishing the muscles. If the skin is deprived of sunlight for a very long period, the muscles tend to weaken and degenerate.
Sunlight helps in recovering wounds. It also helps to alleviate pain from swollen arthritic joints.
Sunbath is particularly beneficial for pregnant woman. It reduces the usual pregnancy discomfort such as fatigue, backache, nausea etc.
Sunbath is the best way to get Vitamin D. Vitamin D is crucial for the development of human body. It helps in calcium absorption from the intestine and deposition in the bones. As mentioned above, vitamin D prevents diseases like Rickets.
Recent studies also proved that regular sunbath helps in quality sleep.

The best time for sunbath is morning or afternoon when the temperature is mild. It is better to cover the head with some clothes before taking the sunbath. The expose time can vary from 5 minute to 1 hour. It is also advisable to take a bath with cold water after being exposed to the sun.

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Wednesday 15 January 2014

Recycling: A Better Way to Live


The concept of Recycling is Reduce (If the need is not very important don’t buy it), Reuse (if you must have it, try to use products which can be reused) and Recycle (try to convert the existing unused product into something new and useable).

Recycling begins at home. You can also take part in recycling process. Try to use your old products in some creative way. Before buying a new product from the market try to figure out if you can make use of your old stuff by any other means. It is very simple, lesser the garbage, more the land space free for other natural uses.

While shopping please avoid plastic bags. Recycled paper bags are far better option. Even better, take your own household bags while shopping. Don’t get dazzled by the packaging of the product. If apart from packaging, other things remain the same, buy the product which has the minimal packaging. A lot of money has been spent on the packaging of the product but all of that goes to the garbage bin. Be wise save your money as well as help in reducing garbage from the environment.

There are several benefits of recycling:

It reduces the need for fresh raw material in the form of metal, wood (forest), petroleum etc. When we use a new product made from virgin materials, there is lots of energy spent on the extraction, refining and processing of these materials. Just for an example 1 ton of aluminum requires 8 tons of bauxite (the ore from where aluminum is extracted) and 4 tons of chemicals. If we switch to recycled aluminum cans we can save 90 to 95% of this energy. A recycled paper needs 2/3 times less energy when compared to fresh paper.

It is true that recycling also requires energy to process but it is far lesser than if produced from virgin materials.

Apart from the energy needs, these processes emit toxic substances which pollute the environment. So by switching towards recycled products, we are not only saving energies but also protecting our surroundings from toxic substances.

Recycling also reduces cost of production. Though the collection of used material will cost you some money but it is a very meager amount when compared with the cost of the energy and waste disposal which you have to bear when you are making a new product from virgin materials.

You can recycle various types of material. Plastic, glass, food scraps, wooden parts, metal parts every thing can be used in recycling process. If you are creative enough your options are endless.

Composting is a good example of using recycled materials to its best use. If you are a gardener you can use composting methods and avoid any chemical fertilizers. You can find more about compost and composting here.

Recycling is a sustainable way of living. Here new products are being made from the older and used up ones. By opting to use recycled materials you can create a green consciousness in society. This cyclic way of living is far better than any linear model.

We all need to do our best to make an impact in protecting our environment.

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Saturday 5 October 2013

Wind Power: A Basic Idea


In my earlier article I have discussed about various renewable energies. Today I will discuss one of such energy. WIND POWER.

The term “wind power” refers to the process by which the wind is being used to prepare the electricity. It is another example of a renewable energy and a substitute to fossil fuel. In this process the power of wind is harvested by the turbines and it generates electricity.

The wind caused by the heat of the sun, earth rotation and different heat absorption on the surface of the earth. The flow of wind is also not same in every place. It is modified with the presence of empty lands, sea surfaces and presence of forests and other vegetative bodies. So the logic of generating more electricity from the wind is to set up the wind turbines in the places where the speed of wind is highest.

A wind turbine is an opposite of a fan. In a fan the electric energy gets converted into mechanical energy and fan rotates. Whereas in turbines, the mechanical energy of the wind gets converted into the electric energy. Depending on the axis of motion the turbine can be of two types: horizontal axis and vertical axis turbines. Most of the turbines operating today are on the horizontal axis.
A wind turbine basically has 4 parts:

Blades(it rotates when wind flow hit it)
A drive train (includes a gear box and a generator)
Tower for support
And other equipments like electric cables, ground supporting equipments etc.

The size of the turbines varies according to the requirement of energy generation. The largest wind turbine has blades with a span of the size of a football field and produce energy to supply 1400 houses.

Wind energy has several benefits:
  1. It is free renewable source. So you will never ever run out of the energy.
  2. It is clean, non polluting source and in harmony with nature.
  3. Unlike solar you can get energy in night and cloudy days also.
  4. It also provide tax benefits in several countries.
As per other side of the story:
  1. Lightning causes damages to turbines.
  2. You can not expect the same amount of wind everyday.
  3. Migratory birds often get killed by flying into the running blades.
  4. Not every place is suitable for setting up wind turbine as the flow of wind is not uniform in every place.
  5. Cost of the set up is also very expensive compared to solar power.
Never the less like all other renewable energies the wind power is also booming. Germany has the most installed wind turbines in the world followed by Spain, The USA, India and Denmark. It has been estimated that by 2050 one third of the worlds total energy will be in the form of wind power.

Are you also interested in renewable energies? Share your thoughts here.

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Walking: A great Habit To Have


In my earlier article I have discussed about bicycle riding. Now in this blog we will go one step more closer to nature. Walking is not only beneficial for nature it has tremendous benefits for a person. In day to day life we can definitely choose to walk a few mile where we generally use vehicle such as bikes or cars specially for a shorter distances.

I have already discussed and many of you are already aware of the different harmful effect the fossil fuel has in the environment. If we can reduce at least 3-5 miles of our daily vehicle travel by walking it will create a larger impact when we think it as a whole.

We can best practice the walk at the time of morning. Let us look at some of the benefits a morning walk can provide:

During morning the air is in the purest form. While walking the fresh air rejuvenates the body and the brain(some believe to be the soul).

Morning walk helps in balancing the sugar level of the body and thus helps in reducing the impact of type 2 diabetes.

Improves your concentration.

Great exercise for reducing or eliminating the back pain problem.

It increases blood circulation, muscular development and metabolism of the body. It reduces the chances of heart attack and stroke.

By reducing the fat deposition in the blood vessels, it maintains the optimum blood pressure of the body.

For a person recovering from cancer, A morning walk everyday can helps in fast recovery.

The view of the sunrise is particularly very exciting to eyes. So if you never have experienced a early morning sunrise I highly recommend give it a try.

This is perhaps one of the most neglected exercise. People do various hard and tedious exercise to keep themselves fit. Simple walking for 30 minutes a day can solve many of your joint pains and keep the muscles healthy.

Do not eat heavy before going for a walk. A glass of fruit juice would be more than enough.

The aim of walking is to relax your body and mind. In case you are a evening walker and not a morning walker, avoid the busy roads. Choose a path which is surrounded by green and clean environment. Otherwise you will inhale more carbon Di-Oxide than oxygen, which will harm your body.

Are you a walker? What benefit you got from walking? Share your views for the benefit of all. 



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