Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Why Sunbath is Important

Sunbath is also called heliotherapy. It has been a very old practice. The mentions of this can be found in ancient Greek, Roman, and Egyptian history. The Romans used sunbath to train the gladiators because it strengthens and enlarge their muscles.

Earlier people have worked mostly outdoors, and most of the time in sunlight. Now with the advancement of civilization, we work most of the time indoor. Even while going to offices, we don’t really face the sun, and most of the time moving inside a vehicle. Several brands of sunglasses have been introduced which are meant to protect our eyes from the so called harmful sunlight. In this article we will look at the other side of the story and try to provide some beneficial impact about the sunlight and sunbath.

Sunlight is basically consists of 3 types of light waves:

Visible light (wavelength of 390nm to 790nm): This is the light which we can see through our eyes. It though appears to us as white; it is basically a mixture of 7 lights known as VIBGYOR.

Infra red light (wavelength of 790nm to 1mm): This light we can not see we our naked eyes as it does not fall under the visibility range. It generates the heats of the light.

Ultraviolet light (wavelength of 300nm to 390nm): Every body is aware of this light and its effect in causing cancer especially due to huge promotion of different cosmetic companies, but this light also helps in producing vitamin D in our skin. A deficiency of vitamin D can cause Rickets in humans.

Benefits of Sunbath:
Regular sunbath increase white blood cells (WBC) in the body and thus increases our immunity system.
It helps regulating blood sugar level and helps lowering blood pressure.
Regular sunbath helps nourishing the muscles. If the skin is deprived of sunlight for a very long period, the muscles tend to weaken and degenerate.
Sunlight helps in recovering wounds. It also helps to alleviate pain from swollen arthritic joints.
Sunbath is particularly beneficial for pregnant woman. It reduces the usual pregnancy discomfort such as fatigue, backache, nausea etc.
Sunbath is the best way to get Vitamin D. Vitamin D is crucial for the development of human body. It helps in calcium absorption from the intestine and deposition in the bones. As mentioned above, vitamin D prevents diseases like Rickets.
Recent studies also proved that regular sunbath helps in quality sleep.

The best time for sunbath is morning or afternoon when the temperature is mild. It is better to cover the head with some clothes before taking the sunbath. The expose time can vary from 5 minute to 1 hour. It is also advisable to take a bath with cold water after being exposed to the sun.

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