Thursday, 5 September 2013

Geothermal Energy: A Basic Idea

After solar energy basics now take a little time to make yourself aware about the geothermal energy system. It is also a renewable energy source i.e, it is clean, it is generated without the use of fossil fuels and it can be replenished.

As the name suggests geothermal means heat from The Earth. Various sources of the geothermal energies are used depending on the scale of usage. It is clean and renewable source of energy. This is considered renewable because the solar energy, the heat in side the earth practically limitless and expected to remain so for billion of years.

As we all know the center of the earth is very hot compared to the surface. The heat from the core of the earth is continuously flowing upwards. It sometime brings lava and magma along with it. But most of the time the heat is remained inside and as a result the rocks and water which is inside is become very much heated. This temperature at times can reach about 700F. due to the immense pressure at tis temperature also the water remains in liquid form. This hot water layer trapped inside the earth is called geothermal water reservoir.

Now this geothermal water reservoir are used to produce energy in different forms. It can be used to generate electricity, to warm up industrial, commercial and residential buildings.

To bring the water to the surface, wells are drilled to the reservoirs. This very hot water then taken to a geothermal power plant and the heat is converted to the electricity. It can also used without involving the power plant. This type of use of geothermal energy was practiced way back in ancient roman times. It includes space heating, bathing, food preparation, uses in green houses etc.

We have seen animals burrow underground for warmth in the winter and also during extreme heat in summer. This same principle is used in Geothermal heating pumps. It provide heating to the building in winter and takes out extra heat from the building and deposit it to the earth during the hot summer. As these system draw heat from the ground they are much more energy efficient than any traditional heating system. It can reduce the energy consumption of the traditional heating and cooling system by 30 -50%.

The variety of the resources allows them to use in different scales from heating a single house to generating electricity for a industrial complex.

Hope you have a better idea on geothermal energy after reading this article. Would like to hear your voices on this.

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